

Soulmachine AniMatrix

Applied Sounddesign.
Sound-assignment: Place sound fx and music on this movie clip.

ALL sounds are time-stretched and that became the theme of my version of this clip. Even the music are a time-stretched and are a digitally manipulated piece of audio.

All sounds originate from a sound-file with my voice that have been manipulated by time-streching and pitch-shift to such degree you can not recognize the original sound.


IKEA Commercial

Mie Hansson and Natalie Larsen got a student-assignment to create and animate an IKEA commercial for which they needed some music – so I created some for them.
It’s not a real commercial it is a student-project.


Ikea reklamfilm from Nathalie Larsen on Vimeo.


Red Dragon

Assignment: place all sounds on movieclip. It is a commercial for a lottery.

All sounds and Music by Nicklas Lindgren.



Från små öron” by Julia Hutchinson-Kay and Nicklas Lindgren. Music by Nicklas Lindgren.



Ett otäckt monster” Soundstory with narrator-voice, music and soundscape by Nicklas Lindgren. Monster-voice by Jon Johansson. Text: Chris Wormell

      1. Ljudsaga-Ett Otackt Monster_128k


Soundscape to an Image

The Long Tomorrow

Sounds by Magnus Fredrikson and Nicklas Lindgren. Music by Nicklas Lindgren.

      2. Bild 1 The Long Tomorrow

The Long Tomorrow


End of the Line

Sounds by Magnus Fredrikson and Nicklas Lindgren. Music by Nicklas Lindgren.

      3. Bild 2 End of the Line

End of the Line


Sound FX and music to a movieclip.

Clintan with sound (a)


Clintan with sound (b)